Disclaimer: We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.
Founded in 2018 by Don and Cheryl Mayfield, Golden Age has helped thousands of Texans enroll in various Medicare and Insurance plans.
Golden Age HealthPlans is a United Healthcare Resource Center and we have agents helping customers in all parts of Texas, including Temple, Waco, Houston, Austin, Dallas/Ft. Worth and San Antonio.
Our licensed agents don’t sell anything, we help Texans understand their options to choose the best Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advantage Plans, Part D Prescription Drug Plans, Dental, Vision, Under 65 Health and Life Insurance plans, to meet their unique needs! Everyone’s needs are different and there is no “one-size fits all” solution.
We help you evaluate the options, the pros, the cons, and the cost of each option to enable the you to choose the best plan to meet your specific needs.
Schedule your free consultation to help you understand your Medicare and/or life insurance options today!
Medicare Supplements
Medicare Advantage Plans
Prescription Drug Plans
Under 65 Care
Life/Final Expense
1516 S 31st, St Suite A, Temple, TX 76504
Phone: (254) 778-4448
Fax: (254) 295 - 0364
Para Español Llama! 281-686-1714